Friday 16 September 2016

A child has the adverse effects whenever you beat him/her. Every parent should be aware of the bad effects that a child has after you beat him/her.

- Your child never trust you if you hit them for everything. The trust of the children will break.

- Too much scolding and hitting a child can make your him/her suffer from a lack of confidence. Beating a kid has a bad effect on a child's confidence. Also, they will start comparing themselves to other children.

- If a child is all the time beaten up by their parents then they will think that hitting is the only solution to all the problems.these children become aggressive when grow old. Also, they will always solve their problems by hitting others.

- These children will lack the decision making power. They will not be able to take any decision in life on their own. When they grew up they have psychological problems like no decision making power or serious mental disorders.

-The child will always be afraid of telling truth to their parents because of the fear of beaten up again. They started to believe that their parents will not understand them and hit them if they said something wrong.

- The one who gets respect gives respect. These children will never respect their parents or or elders or others too. Psychologists says that you can never your child by beating them. When you beat a child he get scared and he will never learn when he is afraid of something.

-It gives them a message that every adult has a right to hit and when they go out of their houses they do the same thing to others.

- Often a child who is beaten up everyday will start telling a lie so that their parents won't hit them again. It increases the communication gap between parents and children.

- Also, it gives child a thinking that the one who is strong is always right. He/she will decide what is right or what is wrong.

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