Friday 22 July 2016

Do you REACT or RESPOND to your child

"Stop that crying right now" instead of it say "You look upset, do you need a hug?"

"If you two don't stop fighting. I am turning the car around!" instead of it say "I am pulling over. When the car is quiet. I will continue driving."

"What?! You spilled your juice again!" instead say "Oops. Let's get a rag and get that mess cleaned up."

"Darn right it's not fair. Life's not fair. Get used to it." instead say "I can tell you are upset about my decision."

"Another 'C'? What is wrong with you?" instead say "It's look like you are struggling in maths. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"That's enough whining, young lady." instead of this say "Please use calm voice when asking me for something."

"I've had it with you." instead say "I'm feeling frustrated right now. I am going to take a walk to calm down." 

These phrases will help you handle your child and difficult situations better..

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