Wednesday 27 July 2016


Some tips for parents...

YELLING silences your message. Speak quietly so your children can hear your words instead of just your voice.

Teaching our children to control themselves is far more effective than trying to control our children.
-Model, don't manipulate.
-Lead, don't intimidate.
-Support, don't shame.
-Encourage, don't threaten.
-Guide, don't punish.
-Listen, don't lecture.

Children are not problems. Focus on helping your child, not fixing your child.

Human nature dictates that if you have a weapon and believe you have the right or the need to use it, you will use it. Don't build an arsenal against your children to control them. Instead gather resources to work with your children to guide them. That is a secret to a peaceful, happy home.

Discipline is helping a child solve a problem. Punishment is making a child suffer retribution for having a problem. To raise problem solvers focus on solutions, not retributions.

Reactors react to a crisis with a meltdown. Responders respond to a crisis with help. To raise a mature, stable adult, be a responder, not a nuclear reactor.

Inviting cooperation rather than forcing compliance to grows leaders instead of followers.

Freaking out on your child for freaking out is as hypothetical as it is ineffective. Slow down. Breathe. Then act like the adult you want them to become. 

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