Friday 30 September 2016

Do your kids lie?

As parents we get angry, hurt, frustrated and betrayed whenever we catch our child lying. But lying is normal. It is wrong but it is normal. Even adults lie in their daily life. But we should always teach our children that telling a lie is wrong and set a good example for them as children learn and do whatever they see around them.

Why do our children lie?

One of the ways kids use lying is to establish an identity and connect with peers. Lying can also be a response to peer pressure. Sometimes teens lie to keep a parts of their lives separate from their parents. At times it may even seem that they make up small lies about things that don't even seem terribly important. Another reason children lie is when they perceive the house rules and restrictions to be too tight. Lying may become a way for your child to have you believe he/she is following your rules. A little child can also lie, this behaviour of a kid may be just be his way of getting little attention. Younger children also make up stories. This is not lying but a way for them to engage their imaginations and start to make sense of the world around them. Most kids lie at one time or another to get out of trouble. A child lie to avoid getting into trouble. Children are more likely to lie if they see their parents doing it and getting away with it.

Things for you to do so that your child won't lie

Reward your kids for being truthful
Use inspiring stories. Try to narrate stories or books or articles that highlight the importance of honesty
Be encouraging and positive when your child tells the truth
Explain that honesty will please you and not lead to punishment
Start talking about honesty early
Ask for a promise of truthfulness from your child
Emphasis the importance of honesty in your family and praising your child for honesty
If your child is making up a story to you about something always respond him/her with encouraging words.
Avoid the situations where your child feels that he/she has to tell a lie. For example, if your child has spilled some milk and you ask her whether she did it, she might feel tempted to lie. To avoid this situation you could just say, ‘I see there’s been an accident with the milk. Let’s clean it up’
If your child is lying a lot, it’s a good idea to talk calmly about the issue with your child. Try making a time to talk, and then tell your child know how her lying makes you feel, how it affects your relationship with her, and what it might be like if family and friends stop trusting her
Also, help your kids understand that telling a lie can harm them also.

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